
beplay足球ios 下载来自中国的产品 - 有5件事要考虑

beplay足球ios 下载来自中国的采购产品在此过程中涉及许多活动部件。保持正确的成功途径。beplay足球ios 下载这是要考虑的一些关键事情。

Vaughn Cook Rockwell Window Wells
Editorial Team
September 30, 2021

中国公司的许多创新都来自中国公司,这对于专注于中国采购策略的亚马逊卖家来说是个好消息。beplay足球ios 下载优质系统,材料工程和工业工程能力的改进正在为寻求将新产品带入市场的进口商创造机会。




市场研究是采购策略的第一步。beplay足球ios 下载您可能具有与产生良好利润率的一类产品相关的零售或进口经验。在这种情况下,合乎逻辑的下一步是在中国找到一个制造这些产品并具有向西方公司出售的经验的供应商。如果您是一个完整的新手,那么您就有一项艰巨的任务,可以弄清楚在亚马逊上出售什么。以下是了解哪种产品在亚马逊上零售良好的方法以及从中国进口的最受欢迎的产品。

Amazon’s list of best-sellers是一个很好的起点。该列表每小时更新。网站上的流行类别包括家庭和厨房用品,服装(包括配件,鞋子和珠宝),当然还有工具和家居装修。但是,从流行类别中选择产品将意味着与既定的竞争并肩作战。除非您可以区分产品或削弱竞争对手,否则要击中所需的销售数字将很困难。

Conduct keyword researchon Amazon. A simple way is to just type into the Amazon search bar and see what comes up. These results are reflective of the products customers frequently search for. If you’re interested in retailing radiator caps, you’ll see it’s a frequently searched product and that same search will direct you to other highly sought-after items.

使用关键字研究工具在Google上找到大量和高价值关键字是有益的,因为相同的项目也值得在亚马逊上定位。Google的关键字计划者is a free tool that you can access with a Google ads account. Identify which long-tail key phrases have a relatively high volume to gauge demand. For example, ‘stainless steel brackets 3 inch’ may have a high search volume while there may be fewer or possibly no searches for stainless steel brackets in other dimensions. You can also use the关键字工具专为亚马逊设计。该工具的Pro版本与免费版本相比生成了亚马逊关键字的两倍。


查找从中进口的盈利产品阿里巴巴,一个受欢迎的中国采购平台。beplay足球ios 下载AutoSuggest功能为常见搜索提供了线索。在这里,您可以看到每种产品报价的价格,并通过将运输成本,定制税,保险费用和其他适用税款添加到此金额中来计算您的总成本。然后检查亚马逊上这些产品的价格。从售价中减去总购买成本,以估计您可以赚取的利润。




If you’re selling a technically complicated product that is in demand or one that must otherwise follow multiple technical requirements, quality and lead times will be a priority. Partnering with the right factory puts you on a solid footing, but it is also the most challenging aspect of your China sourcing journey. A sourcing agent will not only connect you with the right supplier but can also save you time in reviewing different factories in the country.

中国采购代理可以beplay足球ios 下载帮助您克服这些障碍:

- Identify particular local experts from the large variety of processes available in key manufacturing zones, including铸造and forging,塑料注射成型, andmetal fabrication。If you’re interested in specific industrial cities such as Shenzhen or Huizhou, the agent can pinpoint different local suppliers by your technical requirements, review the bids, make an educated selection, and send you a quote.

- Conduct a detailed factory audit. Here, the ability to converse in Mandarin is helpful in correctly assessing the advantages and drawbacks of working with the particular manufacturer. Other than the production aspects, corporate information such as management structure should also be clear to determine the ease of communicating with the supplier from a different country.

- 跟进供应商,并保持订单的顶部。中国供应商通常沉迷于寻求有关技术规格并分享坏消息的澄清。采购beplay足球ios 下载代理充当联络人,如果供应商正确理解您的要求,请仔细检查。

- Perform in-process quality inspections after production has begun and additional inspections, such as packaging and shipping marks. This extra layer of control goes a long way in ensuring consistency with all your requirements.

beplay足球ios 下载采购代理商靠近生产使它们成为亚马逊卖家的宝贵盟友。中国制造业取决于供应商的不同层。相互依存和供应商的密度增强了制造业,并为卖方创造了机会。与采购代理合作是一种无忧的方法,可以beplay足球ios 下载利用这种力量并探索创新。



LCs事务提供清晰,详细说明l the goods to be supplied and offering you assurance that your shipment will not be vastly different from what you ordered.

While letters of credit offer security, banks have charges for providing them, so a cost versus benefits analysis is recommended. Some suppliers may insist on a letter of credit as standard practice or for the particular commodity. When you have no choice but to request a letter of credit, inspect the documents carefully as even a minor error can result in delays, extra costs and other administrative hassles.

Letters of credit can be irrevocable or revocable. A revocable LC can be changed or cancelled by the issuing bank at any time, for any reason. An irrevocable LC cannot be cancelled or changed without the consent of all parties involved in the transaction, thereby offering better security than revocable LCs.


Purchase order financing is an alternative to letters of credit. The bank or PO financing company pays the advance or outstanding amount on goods to the supplier. This type of credit is made available for a short period of time. The financier will charge interest on the utilized funds. PO financing may not be available for the sales of common goods, so check if it applies to the product you’re sourcing from China.


一旦生产正在进行,中国的供应商就不少见了。价格的变化可能是由于采购原材料或影响生产成本的全国性事件的成本增加。beplay足球ios 下载您可以通过要求供应商提供报价价格的有效性来避免价格波动。“直到”时期的“有效期”可能短达90天,也可以延长一年的大订单。为了安全起见,协商至少180天的有效性。

- 重新订购的承诺可以说服供应商报价您当前订单的先前订单价格。

- 检查用于制造产品的主要原材料的价格。这将告诉您供应商在调整报价方面是否是合理的。

- Add provisions in your contract that protect against sharp price increases over a longer term. Your buying terms can include a minimum validity of prices and/or a discount on your next large order.

Sourcing products from China - Ship Bow China


你的货物可能无法满足您的要求。This risk often stems from partnering with a sub-par supplier or driving the price down too low, which never bodes well for overall product quality. If your instructions were lost in translation, the supplier may have made items that don’t fit your stipulations but are otherwise well-made in terms of strength, finish or durability.


- 仲裁,中立的第三方解决了纠纷。

- 在中国法院对您的供应商提起诉讼

为了友好地处理争议,卖方包括合同中的争议解决机制。通过采购代理,这些问题既不复杂,beplay足球ios 下载因为它们与供应商的身体接近和现有关系取得了有利的结果。


Tips for a trouble-free China sourcing experience

- Visit the supplier’s factory to confirm that they’re not the middleman. With abeplay足球ios 下载采购代理, you can be a 100% sure that you’re partnering with a reliable manufacturer.

- Chinese business culture emphasizes face-to-face conversations. Despite technology advances and ubiquity, it remains the best way to do business in the country.

- 对购买量的现实估计。中国制造商的利润很小,将调整质量以满足其利润目标。

- 对制造产品和价格平台所需的原材料成本进行研究,这是产品的最低价格。

- Ensure a 2-3 week safety net for deliveries, accounting for delays and unforeseen circumstances. Increase safety to a month for a new supplier.

- Create a solid contract that protects your interests during a dispute or a steep price increase. Be aware that contract conditions are often renegotiated during the course of your relationship. Concessions from both sides are common, and the focus is on achieving mutual long-term benefits.


beplay足球ios 下载beplay体育app官网地址采购盟友是一支由中国专家采购代理商组成的团队,自2006年以来帮助西方客户从低成本地区生产和采购产品。

For more on中国采购beplay足球ios 下载访问我们的网站或写信给我们info@sourcingallies.com

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