
OEM China – What to Expect and What to Look out For


Vaughn Cook Rockwell Window Wells
Editorial Team

What is OEM? Short for Original Equipment Manufacturer, it is an acronym you might be familiar with if you get your products manufactured by another company, possibly in another country such as China, for example. By its basic definition, an OEM is a manufacturer that specializes in making a particular product or part for another company that provides it with the design and specifications. An OEM part therefore is manufactured to order.

中国是世界上最大的制造商,其职位已担任11年。它也是世界上最大的汽车制造商。它在一年中生产的车辆比美国,欧洲和日本的合并更多全球生产的30%。The success of China’s automotive industry rests largely on the performance of its OEMs. China’s auto parts industry isestimatedto be worth $550 billion. This is just one example of how China is a specialist when it comes to OEM products.

In this piece, we take an in-depth look at OEMs, how they work and how you can do business with one, especially in China. Read on to know:

  • 什么是OEM?
  • 与OEM合作的好处和挑战
  • What to watch out for when working with OEM China


To fully understand what an OEM is, we need to go beyond the simple definition provided above. AnOEM生产商品not for retailers but for another company, which sells these goods under its own brand. This explains the origin of the term OEM, which is said to come from the Dutch phrase “onder eigen merk”, loosely translated as “under own brand”. The company that buys an OEM product is called a “value-added reseller” (VAR). Usually, it improves the product or component or adds more components to it, thereby adding value to it before selling it.


An OEM works in one of the following two ways:

1.它为VAR制造了特定的组件,该组件在其最终产品中使用。例如,微软出售其Windows操作系统,英特尔将其芯片出售给PC Maker Dell。这使Microsoft和Intel the oems和dell the var。

2.它组装并完成了供VAR转售的产品。总部位于台湾的Foxconn组装了苹果iPhone,就是这样的OEM。它最大的工厂 - 一家1.4平方英里的iPhone工厂 - 位于中国深圳市的朗胡岛地区。如果您查看任何Apple产品的背面,您会发现“由中国组装的苹果设计的苹果设计”。

与OEM合作 - 好处和挑战

由于以beplay足球ios 下载下原因,将制造业外包给OEM可能是有利可图的:

  • 专业知识:OEM不会生产数百种不同类型的产品,但只专门研究少数产品。它批量生产这些商品,这意味着它知道制造它们的最有效,最具成本效益的方式。因为它可能会为其他客户制造类似的产品,因此其对此类商品的工程和开发过程的了解是业务中最好的。OEM产品几乎总是与质量和独创性相关联。
  • 便宜:OEM生产产品或零件的成本要小得多,而对于转售商来说,它的成本要小得多。低成本是批量生产的巨大好处,尤其是在中国等低成本制造业地区。通过将生产外beplay足球ios 下载包给OEM,经销商还节省了建立和运营自己的制造单元的费用。
  • 快速地:Being a specialist, an OEM can fulfil large orders in a short amount of time. This ensures your final product reaches the market that much faster.
  • 灵活性:By leaving the manufacturing to an OEM, you can focus on other areas of your business, especially research and development (R&D). Do not forget, an OEM is just the manufacturer. It only produces goods you have designed and conducted market research for. Hence, time spent on R&D is time well spent.
  • Warranty:著名的OEM将使用制造商的保修备份其产品。当您将一个外包给中国OEM时,请坚持一个。


That said, buying an OEM product can be challenging if you are not careful. Here is what can go wrong:

  • Risk to intellectual property:When working with a China OEM, one of the risks you open yourself up to is compromising your intellectual property (IP), such as trademarks, design patents and copyrights. China is a first-to-file country, which means IP rights are awarded to those who register them first. So, your OEM product might bear a trademark you own in your country or in the country where you intend to export that product. But a domestic company might have registered the same trademark in China and might claim trademark infringement, leading to your product being detained by Chinese customs. There have been several备受瞩目的商标侵权案件涉及中国的OEM。并随着中国法院解释该国的法律矛盾的方式在这些情况下,建议您遵循步骤避免类似情况。
  • 缺乏能见度:While you might know your OEM well, you might not know their suppliers down the supply chain. Chinese manufacturers are not known to freely give out information of any kind, including details about their suppliers. If the OEM changes suppliers somewhere down the line without your knowledge, the resultant change (for example, in the raw materials used) could seriously impact the quality of your goods.
  • 竞争者合作者:雄心勃勃的OEM可能会很想与您竞争。在制造了多年的产品并掌握您的设计和IP权利之后,它可能会使用此知识来建立自己的品牌并与包括您自己的客户建立直接联系。OEM的优势是知道如何以最有利可图的方式制造产品,而不会对研发进行任何投资。我想到了一个合作者转向竞争对手的著名例子。中国科技专业的联想开始在中国组装和分销IBM设备,但购买了美国公司的PC业务在2005年,允许其以自己的徽标出售IBM PC。


OEM China - Protect your IP - Padlock
Protect your IP locally in China.

1。Protect your IP:中国仅承认在当地注册的商标。加上它的第一到文件系统,如果您打算在那里制造,在该国家注册商标非常重要。您可以通过China Trademark Office或世界知识产权组织(在后一种情况下,您必须从当前注册商标的国家申请)。没有本地注册商标的中国制造业使您对:

  • Having your goods blocked by Chinese customs, which does not permit the export of goods that infringe upon IP registered by others.
  • 即使可能是伪造商品的擅自占地者和卖方,侵权诉讼也是在中国拥有相同商标的公司。
  • Your Chinese OEM registering your trademark in their name and threatening you with a lawsuit if you attempt to switch to another OEM.


  • 中国独特的子分类系统- 虽然该国接受国际商品和服务分类,以注册1957年建立的商标不错的协议,它根据产品的功能,包括功能,用法和原材料将类分为子类。例如,25级includes clothing, footwear and headwear. But under Class 25 in the中国系统,靴子,凉鞋和运动鞋属于不同的子类。重要的是要找到合适的子类以注册您的产品。
  • 用汉字注册您的商标- 如果您的注册只是构成您商标的罗马角色,则您会冒着在中文中注册同一商标的另一家业务的风险。这可能会对您的业务和品牌价值产生不利影响。如果您打算在中国本身出售产品,这一点更为重要,因为中国需要中文名称。但是,在决定中文版本时要小心。直接翻译并不总是有效。对于汉字来说,表示您的产品或品牌代表什么。


2。Negotiate an airtight contract:使其全面,涵盖从产品设计,规格,原材料和设备选择,生产截止日期,包装和质量控制程序到品牌,定价,合同持续时间以及介于两者之间的所有内容。这将为您节省很多法律麻烦。请记住,仅签署采购订单还不够好。协商密封合同,特别注意以下方面:

  • NNN agreement– Make your China OEM signs an NNN agreement, where NNN stands for “non-use”, “non-disclosure” and “non-circumvention”. This means the manufacturer agrees to, a) not use your product/design/concept in a way that makes them your competitor, b) not disclose information about your product/design to a third party, and c) not sell your product at a lower price. An NNN agreement helps protect your IP in a foreign country.
  • 终止条款- 清楚地阐明可能导致合同终止的事件(例如,未经授权使用IP)以及终止的后果(例如,已经完成已经完成的产品要做的事情,机密信息返回)。
  • 排他性协议- 如果您打算授予OEM独家生产产品的专有权,或者您想确保自己是特定市场中特定产品的唯一卖家,则需要独家协议。排他性条款必须在合同中清楚地阐明,如果有的话,必须扩展到OEM的分包商。当您拥有独特的产品或需求较高的产品时,排他性协议是一种强大的保护。
  • 非竞争术语 -OEM通常有多个客户。鉴于它专门从事特定产品,因此您的竞争对手可能是其客户。您的合同应包括禁止OEM及其关联公司生产竞争对手可能使用的其他产品的规定。
  • 付款条件- 设置牢固的付款时间表。在检查货物后而不是运输后,总是建议付款。


4。让自己成为中国采购代理:beplay足球ios 下载当您与beplay足球ios 下载之合作时,将制造业外包给中国OEM变得容易得多中国采购代理beplay足球ios 下载。从帮助您验证和选择OEM到监视生产,采购代理会增加您以最优惠的价格和准时接收优质产品的机会。beplay足球ios 下载他们的优势是您可能不会,例如:

  • 在中国的当地存在,这意味着他们可以访问OEM的场所进行验证和检查。
  • 流利的本地语言,这在与制造商沟通,签订合同并用中文提交文书工作时很有用。
  • 多年的与中国制造商合作的经验,这意味着他们了解最优惠的优惠,还可以帮助您发现和避免阴暗的制造商。
  • 对中国商业文化的深入了解,因此它们可以帮助您与OEM建立长期联系。

In conclusion, outsourcing to an OEM in China has many advantages – high quality products at low costs and the satisfaction of working with experts being just a few. However, do not forget to take the necessary precaution of protecting your trademarks in that country.

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