

如何从中国采购产品 - 这份快速指南涵盖了您开始并通过中国采购努力成功的基础知识beplay足球ios 下载

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Editorial Team

对于希望建立有利可图的业务的亚马逊卖家来说,中国是一个有吸引力的市场。中国曾经被称为“世界工厂”,现在可以生产高质量和高价值的商品。在开始对中国最佳供应商进行Google搜索之前,您需要制定中国合理的采购策略。beplay足球ios 下载这将有助于您避免被骗,找到可靠的供应商并谈判最好的交易。

Here is a quick guide - How to Source Products from China


与西方相比,在中国和大多数东部国家,在中国和其他东部国家进行的商业交易是不同的。在中国,业务的实现方式是通过“ quanxi”。

Pronounced as ‘gwon-she,’ Guanxi means “connections” or "networks" that facilitate deals and open doors for business transactions. A person with plenty of guanxi is in a better position to grow their business than a person who lacks it. The Chinese term originates in Confucianism with the underlying philosophy of conducting any type of transactions, be it personal or business, is based on hierarchies and filial piety (‘xiao’). In business transactions as well, it is about establishing a relationship on a personal basis with the supplier first using communication channels to build respect and trust. The success of a deal depends on how well you can build a personal rapport with the Chinese supplier. The stronger your foundation, the higher the pay off in terms of an ongoing successful business relationship.

Research the supplier carefully

Source from China is a complex process for Amazon sellers who are just starting out. It will take some thoughtfulness, effort and time to find the right supplier who is reliable and can meet your quality specifications.



阿里巴巴是由于其庞大的规模而开始搜索的好地方。实际上,它的规模促使许多人称其为中国亚马逊。成立1999年,阿里巴巴在2019年拥有9.6亿活跃客户,而市场上有近13亿企业。要开始搜索供应商,您需要首先创建您的阿里巴巴帐户。下一步是转到“采购解决方案”,您需要通过填写相关详细信beplay足球ios 下载息来提交报价请求。这些详细信息包括:

  • Keywords of products- Put in a few keywords related to your product that might attract the attention of some suppliers. Including as many generic terms as possible can help capture the attention of as many sellers as possible. On the other hand, if you have a niche and complex product, using specific keywords will help attract the attention of those who do manufacture the product.
  • 详细的产品描述 - 给出所需产品的确切描述,并包括所需的测量,尺寸,材料,徽标和其他自定义。
  • 量——产品后,最主要的事情之一s China suppliers look at is the order size. The more the order quantity, the lower the per unit price likely to be. If the order quantity is very low, suppliers may not show interest.
  • 照片 - 确保您拥有所需产品的优质照片。从不同角度进行一些特写,使供应商清楚地了解您想要的东西。

这other way to find suppliers on阿里巴巴是在网站上积极寻找潜在的供应商。在搜索栏中键入产品名称,阿里巴巴将抛出数十个结果。所有结果可能与您想要的内容不匹配,您必须花一些时间找到匹配的结果。


  • 寻找黄金供应商 - 阿里巴巴为受到市场审查并通过审查的供应商提供了“黄金供应商”标签。如果您还看到供应商具有贸易保证,则意味着阿里巴巴是交易的托管服务。
  • 找出产品线 - 如果供应商提供数百种无关的产品,这是一个明显的信号,即您正在与经销商或贸易公司交谈。制造商生产有限数量的相关产品。
  • 索取文件 - 向供应商索取文件和认证ISO 9001。Check if the supplier can show you business registration certificates and confirm the dates. Ensure the information given to you by the supplier matches with the details on the business certification.
  • Personalization- A manufacturer is typically able to customize your product as they directly access the machinery.
  • Tell the supplier you plan to visit- A legitimate supplier is fine with your visit. Red flags are when a supplier makes excuses and tries to discourage you from visiting.

您可以使用的另一个平台是全球资源。尽管这不如阿里巴巴大,但它的质量要好得多,每个供应商都经历了比阿里巴巴更为严格的资格审查过程。您还可以在该网站上看到中国的采购报告,这些报告可深入了beplay足球ios 下载解不同的行业。


这Canton Fair

This is the largest trade fair in China and is held twice yearly and covers every industry related to physical products. The three phases of the trade fair are:

阶段1where you can find building materials, chemical products, machinery and electronics



这entrance is free and you can see the samples that suppliers bring to get an idea of the quality. However, the sales representatives are not well versed with English and you may face problems in communicating with the supplier when you want to explain your requirements and technical specifications. While the Canton Fair is a massive one, the same suppliers take part in the fair each year. You can check the website of the fair in advance to know the location of the booth of the exhibitors you are interested in.

如何从中国采购产品 - 广州

Yiwu Market

Yiwu Marketessentially is for resellers and trading companies and not for manufacturers. Located in Zhejiang, Yiwu market is open throughout the year and has forty thousand shops.



谈判是为您的亚马逊转售业务采购产品的最关键方面之一。beplay足球ios 下载谈判不仅限于价格,而是延伸到交易,质量,协商您拥有的条款和类型的交易期限。除地方和联邦法律外,您几乎可以就其他所有内容进行谈判。



Avoid scams

作为亚马逊经销商,从中国采购的最关键方面之一就是知道如何发现骗局并避免beplay足球ios 下载被欺骗。以下是您可以避免欺诈者的一些方法:

  • Google供应商 - 一家优秀而合法的公司通常会有网络存在。确保在线论坛上没有警告。
  • Beware of very low prices- Remember the adage ‘ if it is too good to be true, it probably is.’ when it comes to sourcing from China. A supplier who offers very low prices is a red flag. You should be suspicious of the supplier’s authenticity if they give you a quote that is much cheaper than all other quotes in the market and is an exact match to what you want.
  • 检查供应商的电子邮件地址 - 供应商的电子邮件地址可以为您提供有关其合法性的线索。QQ电子邮件地址通常在中国使用,并且与Gmail或Yahoo.com电子邮件地址一样可靠。还检查供应商是否具有带有公司名称的电子邮件ID。
  • 询问详细的问题 - 可靠的制造商将对您有关该过程,质量标准和时间表等所有问题的答案。
  • 看图片 - 如果您要求使用相同的话,正宗的供应商通常可以提供其工厂和产品的详细图片。他们还应该能够快速地为您提供图片,同时还可以满足您对特定产品详细信息或设备封闭图片的要求。
  • 获取样本 - 任何合法的供应商都应该能够为您运送样品。
  • 评估销售历史 - 最好询问他们已将特定产品卖给谁的供应商,并要求其中一位客户参考。
  • 请求工厂游览 - 虽然您很难亲自参观工厂,但您可以与信誉良好且经验丰富的中国采购代理合作,为您进行检查。beplay足球ios 下载
  • Beware of payment fraud- Payment frauds are one of the common frauds in the past few years. The scammer accesses the account of the supplier which is typically the email and gets to know which orders are being paid. They communicate using the same email with the buyer and provide a different bank account for payment. The unsuspecting buyer transfers the money to the account of the scammer. By the time the supplier or the buyer realizes they have been scammed, the fraudster is long gone and it is virtually impossible to track them. To avoid the payment scam, verify the bank account details with the supplier before making a payment.

与中国采购代理合作beplay足球ios 下载

除了在阿里巴巴或其他平台上寻找供应商并进行谈beplay足球ios 下载判,从中国为您的亚马逊销售业务采购产品还有更多。从意外的价格提高到发货问题,沟通障碍到产品质量差,业务交易期间可能会出现很多问题。

这right China sourcing agent可以在中国设有办公室时检查生产地点。通过以普通话或特定的本地方言进行通信,采购代理可以确保供应商已充分理解产品规格和技术方面。beplay足球ios 下载当最后一分钟出现问题并且供应商无法交付时,他们还可以制定备用计划。

beplay足球ios 下载beplay体育app官网地址采购盟友是一支由中国专家采购代理商组成的团队,自2006年以来帮助西方客户从低成本地区生产和采购产品。

For more on中国采购beplay足球ios 下载访问我们的网站或写信给我们info@sourcingallies.com

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