
铸造Household Accessories

铸造家庭配件 - 需要正确设置中国的铸造。正确完成后,它可以为您的业务增添巨大价值。以下是在中国建立模具铸造制造的一些主要技巧

Vaughn Cook Rockwell Window Wells
杰夫·克劳肖(Jeff Crawshaw)
February 3, 2022


1838年标志着一台小型手动印刷机的发明。如今,这台简单的机器被认为是行业所依赖的基础。铸造被认为是世界上最基本的行业for its role in manufacturing and its support of several key industries – particularly the automotive and housing sectors.

In this blog, we trace the journey of the industry from its humble origins to its current market dominance.



该过程是批量生产均匀质量和通常复杂形状的相同物体的最快,最便宜的方法之一。如今生产的最常见的铸件是汽车(气缸盖,变速箱),铸造家庭配件(灯具,门旋钮),机械(空气压缩机,工业泵),家具(办公椅子)和高级消费品((skincare productpackaging).


Castings are mostly made from the alloys of有色金属(没有铁的含量,因此更柔软,更易加和防锈),例如锌,铜,铝和镁,有时甚至是铅,锡和锡。模具或模具通常是用钢制成的。

Die casting machine in China
Die cast parts have been produced and used in all sorts of applications throughout history.


As mentioned earlier, the process was born in the printing industry of the mid-19th Century – a period when publishing boomed andprinting was mechanised。至少在最初的三十年中,它仅用于生产报纸和书籍的可移动类型。直到世纪之交,世界才醒来,唤醒了这一过程的许多可能性,并开始以其他方式应用它。


1838年:The first equipment is invented – a manually-operated printing machine that uses an alloy of lead and tin to form letters

1846年:Richard March Hoecomes out with the first successful Rotary Printing Press – a moving cylinder on which type is placed. It is capable of printing 8,000 sheets in an hour and is patented in 1847

1849年:The original hand-operated printing machine is patented, marking the first patent for the industry

1886:The firstLinotypemachine is put to commercial use at the office of the New York Tribune. It works like a typewriter by using brass letter molds called matrices into which liquid lead is cast to produce lines of text


1914:锌和铝作为favoure取代铅和锡d alloys, making for sturdier castings. Zinc is the easiest metal to cast while aluminium is known for its lightweight quality


1930s:Copper and magnesium (easy to machine) gain popularity as casting alloys. The addition of new material means an expanding range of products

1966年:恰逢汽车行业对流程的日益依赖,General Motors Invents Acurad Casting使用低铁铝

今天:After numerous improvements and advances, machines today are capable of producing large volumes of quality castings with flexible shapes, thin walls and high surface finish


The Asia-Pacific region makes up全球铸造市场的55%几项市场研究说,预计将保持主导地位。原因是:

●Anexpanding automotive sector,特别是在中国,日本和印度。汽车行业是最大的零件最终用户



●Government initiatives, such asMade in China 2025, which focuses on 10 high-value industries in China, all of them serviced by the industry

在亚太地区,中国和印度是铸件的主要生产国。它们是无与伦比的,因为它们具有廉价劳动力和低制造成本的双重优势。是18beplay官网and exporting giant it is, China leads the field with a在区域铸造市场中份额65%37.6% share globally。它不仅是世界上最大的,而且是增长最快的市场。


We now know that the process originated in the printing business. And printing, history tells us, is one of theFour Great Inventions of Ancient China。So, it is perhaps fitting that China is the heart of the global industry today. But where in China can you find manufacturers?

答案是:几乎到处都是。该国的拥有超过26,000 metal casting facilities,其中成千上万的产生有色人种。它产生49.3 million metric tons of castingsin a year. There are many techniques of metal casting. Other techniques include沙子铸造和投资铸造。((In砂模铸造, molten metal is poured into a sand mold, which is broken open after the metal solidifies. Ininvestment casting, a ceramic mold built around a wax pattern of a product is used.)

A unique feature of China’s manufacturing culture is the presence of18beplay官网of factories related to the same industry in a single province, city or region.坎根市在河北省,以其金属铸造集群而闻名。相当恰当地,它是Iron Lion of Cangzhou,中国最古老,最大的铸铁雕塑是使用早期金属铸造技术制成的。

但是,可能与铸造相关的最佳区域是郑省,它不仅是该国一些顶级铸造制造商和供应商的家园CHINA DIECASTING and CHINA NON-FERROUS贸易展览会和展览在上海只有几个小时的路程。这是每年七月的组织,这是亚洲最具影响力的贸易展览会和展览,其中包括行业领先的技术和产品,吸引了来自亚洲和世界各地的游客和参展商。


As it is with any industry, the casting process has its advantages and disadvantages:




●Low unit cost

●Production of complex, intricate parts with precision, consistent measurements

●Produced parts are stronger and lighter than those made using other casting methods such as injection molding

●The parts are heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant

●Simple assembly process as fastening parts can be incorporated into the castings

●多种完成技术的多功能过程 - 从光滑到哑光到纹理

●死亡可以被重新使用,并具有介于两者之间的保质期15,000和500,000铸件, which means they last years. For aluminum parts, for example, the die life is typically100,000铸件

●Low material wastage



●Warpage and shrinkage. Metals shrink when they turn from liquid to solid, resulting in defects such as cracks and tears. An experienced die caster factors in a shrinkage allowance. Warping is another defect that happens during or after the solidification process and results in a change in the casting’s dimensions



●Expensive if production quantity is small


That said, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. This explains why the industry is poised for a 6.13% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the 2020-2025 period, according to thisreport

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Die casting China