
中国合同制造 - 风险和福利

中国合同制造 - 外包给中国有几个好处,但您必须仔细管理风险。beplay足球ios 下载

Vaughn Cook Rockwell Window Wells
Editorial Team

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an established company, contract manufacturing in China comes with its benefits and risks. In this blog, we address the pros and cons of outsourcing to China.

Contract manufacturing in China. Risks & Benefits


  1. 您的产品快速进入市场:建立工厂或扩大生产能力需要时间。如果您是一名企业家,请记住新产品,并且您知道由于市场研究的需求,在中国生产产品将使您能够在其他任何人拥有与您相同的想法之前迅速将其带入市场。

    Similarly, if you are a large company looking to enter new markets with a hugely successful product, contract manufacturing in China is ideal for you. It will allow you to introduce your product to new markets before anyone else can and you’ll be able to do this without disrupting your existing (possibly in-house) manufacturing that caters to your current customers.
  2. 成本效益:合同制造具有成本效益,这就是为什么它在过去15 - 20年中遍布全球的原因。当您将中国外包给中国时,您将节省建立自己的工厂或扩大现有制造设施的费用。尽管您的供应商的保证金却占据了保证金,但由于您节省了建立工厂,招聘工人,购买机械和原材料并支付间接费用的费用,但这仍然具有成本效益。
  3. 灵活性:当您拥有自己的制造工厂时,您的工人或机器在需求较低的几个月内闲置或低于容量,但您仍将支付租金,薪水和间接费用。但是,在合同制造中,您可以计划低需求期,并相应地减少订单。您的工厂会处理它,因为您通常不会成为他们的唯一客户。同样,如果您需要突然增加订单,那么您的中国供应商也应该能够处理该工厂,该工厂的生产能力高于平均订单(建议)。
  4. Quantity is not an issue:One of the limitations of countries like越南和印度中国在制造业中的竞争对手是他们无法制造一些中国工厂的规模。因此,无论您的订单多大,您都更有可能找到可以在中国处理订单的工厂,而不是在任何其他发展中国家。这就是为什么您还必须选择牢记未来订单的供应商的原因。如果您的供应商的生产能力高于平均订单,那么一旦销售收购,您就可以在没有任何麻烦的情况下增加订单。
  5. 您专注于增长:如果您的合同制造商承担了雇用工人,购买原材料和其他制造业的责任,那么您可以专注于营销产品和发展业务。然后,您可以将利润投入扩大生产。


  1. 缺乏对质量的控制:外包给beplay足球ios 下载中国意味着您对制造业没有直接控制,这可能会导致质量受到打击,因为您不在那里确保每一个生产步骤都完全完成了。质量也可能不一致。话虽如此,只要这些检查是由您或您的中国代表(例如中国采购代理beplay足球ios 下载orthird-party quality inspection companies。但是请记住,您的工厂也必须拥有一个内部质量控制部门。
  2. Lack of control over timelines:When you manufacture in another factory, unless that factory is exclusively manufacturing for you (which is highly unlikely), your product is not given priority even if you need it in a hurry. The factory will be bound to commitments given to customers who signed up before you and will only start on your order after pending orders are completed. This isn’t the case if you own the factory. But you can offset this disadvantage by planning your orders meticulously and sending in orders on time keeping production timelines in mind.
  3. 有风险的IP权利:如果你的产品的知识产权对你至关重要business, you open yourself up to the risk of compromising your IP rights by outsourcing to China. This is why one of the first things you must do when you start looking for manufacturers in China is to register your IP rights such as trademarks, design patents and copyrights. This is because in China, the first company to register a trademark or patent is the first company to be awarded it. It doesn’t matter if those rights are owned by you in the US or Europe. Thus, if a Chinese company has registered your trademark in China because you have neglected to do so, your products can be prevented from being exported because according to Chinese law you have infringed upon the IP rights of the Chinese company.

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