
中国产品采购初学者beplay足球ios 下载

中国为初学者提供的产品采购 beplay足球ios 下载- 如果您是来自中国采购的新手,那么这一阅读将是一个很好的起点。

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You may have heard grumblings about how Chinese products cannot match the quality of their Western counterparts. This is partly true and is usually a result of importers’ tendency to be penny-pinchers because Chinese factories can make their product ‘at any price’.

There is also a known factor that some Chinese suppliers use unethical ways to trap buyers. Usually, beginners are easy to dupe as they are overly permissive and don’t come prepared with the right questions. It is easy to get lured in by a suppliers’ promises.

知情和准备好的买家对此保持警惕,并严格评估供应商的声明。他们专注于寻找可以长期服务的供应商。以下是作为来自中国供应商的新手卖家采购的一些错误。beplay足球ios 下载

Overstating your order volume

A large order can be a bargaining chip for a lower price, but inflating it just for a price advantage never bodes well for a long-term relationship. Sure, factories will be more interested in working with importers that need thousands of units versus a few hundred. However, baiting a manufacturer with a tall promise is a bad idea. Any deception in greatly misstating the initial order volume may create misgivings later on.







不幸的是,有些卖家可以享受零售廉价商品的好处 - 中国产品以可疑质量赢得了全球声誉的另一个原因。这可能不是生产过程的反映,但实际上与将价格降低相关。最终,您会得到您所付的。

中国产品采购初学者 - 供应beplay足球ios 下载商加载码头


The factory manager may not know about your target market. Fill them in on the details as well as your plan to grow your business. By telling your supplier that you’re a serious seller, you can gain a few advantages. This could include a lower price per unit, attentive care to product quality, and consistent on-time deliveries.


Speaking to the factory’s junior staff

工厂在中国将有一个英语employee to engage with their foreign customers. Often, the employee is a younger member of their team and doesn’t have bargaining or decision-making power. Getting your requirements relayed to a senior manager via a younger staff member can create confusions and misunderstandings. It’s also possible that the person may misrepresent terms to make them more acceptable to you. The risk here is that you may buy into something that has been embellished and doesn’t represent the full truth.




对于希望在中国开展业务的新卖家来说,“公奇”的这一方面可能不是必需的。只要您的交流和合作,您就应该没有问题,使事情保持顺利。这个想法是不要在初次会议期间与供应商太近。但是,不要与他们太遥远,例如拒绝他们的提议带您出去吃午餐或在营业时间社交。在您的中国商务旅行中;节制,礼貌和智慧可以帮助确保愉快的采购体验。beplay足球ios 下载


经济格局价格和波动的变化为卖方带来了挑战和机会。在一个动态的采购环境中,有beplay足球ios 下载数百个供应商准备带您,您可能很想从一个工厂跳到另一个工厂。避免锁定供应商和建立关系的策略可能会损害您的业务。如果制造商将您标记为“坏买家”,他们将不会对您的订单大大关注,这可能表现为质量问题或延迟货物。

Contracts and IP rights protection

如果您要出售专用标签产品,请采取正确的步骤来保护您的知识产权is paramount. Drafting a solid manufacturing contract helps.


The sellers’ main concern is the potential use of their product information by their Chinese supplier to create a similar product and compete directly with them. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is concerned with protecting trade secrets by preventing its disclosure to the public, making it insufficient fora client-supplier partnership. Moreover, laws that apply in the West may not apply equally in China. A Western-style NDA is not enforceable in China, requiring you to instead consider a China-specific NNN agreement to protect your IP. Such an agreement offers three types of safeguards:

- 不使用,其中供应商无法使用您的IP。

- 不披露,其中供应商无法公开您的IP或与他人共享。

- 非循环,其中供应商无法制造您的产品并以较低的价格出售它们以捕获目标市场。

An NDA can work against if you’ve ended up partnering with an unscrupulous supplier. They will know that you’re unsure about protecting your IP in China, and attempt to steal it. Imagine a scenario where your supplier is selling your product to customers at a 40% lower price.

If your NDA states that all disputes will be heard in an American court, in accordance with U.S laws, you’re in trouble. This is because Chinese courts don’t enforce judgments issued by courts in the U.S or any western country for that matter. Ideally, you should try to settle any dispute amicably through arbitration.

Product Development Agreement (PDA)


The PDA sets forth terms and protections covering the product to be developed, the technology and associated costs that will be contributed by you and the supplier, which party will provide the specifications, and who will own the IP rights to your product, among others.


的基本ring agreement explains the nature and details of your relationship and cooperation as client and supplier. Each party knows what it’s supposed to do, and there’s no room for contract interpretation. The MA can include a number of points, such as payment terms, deliverables, quality control, inspection procedures, tooling and breach of contract.



供应商s are generally open to sorting out disputes to avoid reputational damage. You can work out a solution that involves replacing your products, getting a complete or partial refund, or – if possible - fixing the products. A strong contract will put you in an advantageous position in an arbitration or even a lawsuit if you’ve suffered considerable damage after being supplied witha large volume of faulty products.


Improving business cash flow

It’s common for sellers to experience a cash crunch after they’ve already received a large order. Dealing with cash flow problems later on in the process can be overwhelming. Opting for purchase order (PO) financing ahead of time can protect your cash flow and allow you to take on new customers. PO financing is a short-term loan that provides your business with the capital it needs to fill orders.

一家PO融资公司向您的供应商支付您下达的订单,以每月1.6%至6%的价格为您的购买成本的100%资金,每30天适用于利用资金。公司可以量身定制您的贷款期限,以便与开票或收到付款相吻合。当您从制造商那里采购并转售而没有自定义或修改时,这是一个不错的选择beplay足球ios 下载。

Amazon sellers leverage proven cash flow strategies that allow them to scale up without constraints. You can reduce inventory, lead times, or MOQs. Negotiate payment terms that keep your cash flow positive, such as 20% down and the balance on shipment. On mass orders, consider a 30:40:30 split of down payment, payment after quality inspection, and the balance upon receiving shipment respectively.

Keep tabs on reviews

Product quality and innovation are key to business success. Ordering multiple samples helps you get a better sense of quality than a single sample that’s bound to be excellent.



当然,您的供应商还应该具有制造更好产品的功能。与A合作beplay足球ios 下载采购代理在中国的地面上,靴子可以帮助您找到适合您需求的既定工厂,或者如果需要,请在您准备好创新时升级到供应商。

beplay足球ios 下载beplay体育app官网地址采购盟友是一支由中国专家采购代理商组成的团队,自2006年以来帮助西方客户从低成本地区生产和采购产品。

For more on中国采购beplay足球ios 下载访问我们的网站或写信给我们info@beplay足球ios 下载sourcingallies.com.

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