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Western businesses have been关心多年来,中国制造商侵犯了其知识产权。

例如,在美国,这种侵权通常与大公司有关,但较小的公司也遇到了问题。2011年报告由美国国际贸易委员会。“ [公司报告说]在中国侵权的IPR [知识产权]造成的损失中,与侵犯版权有关的损失是最大的货币,而与商标侵权有关的人则是最广泛的,”那个报告said.

Several news reports and blogs have highlighted the problem over the years.

While sometimes knock-offs are made by factories that have seen something popular online (or even onKickstarter)并迅速生产该产品以利用其受欢迎程度,其他时候,廉价的仿冒品是由西方公司将其制造业外包到的工厂制造的。

This practice is such an open secret that Jack Ma – the founder of Alibaba, the world’s largest retailer and e-commerce company – admitted as much in 2016.

“问题是当今的假产品比真实姓名的质量更高,价格更好。”华尔街日报quoted him as telling investors. “They are exactly the same factories, exactly the same raw materials but they do not use the names.”

Ma went on to say that he wanted to stop fake products on his platform.

知识产权是造成的原因之一正在进行的贸易战between the US and China, with美国指责中国公司一再窃取美国公司的知识产权Beijing stoutly denying the allegations.

BEst tips to protect your intellecual property rights in China

过去,外国公司还声称中国法院是biased against themin matters related to the protection of their intellectual property rights.


That same year, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai set up their own知识产权法院。2017年初,南京,苏州,成都和武汉省推出了专业的知识产权裁决法庭。

One example of the change in China regarding the intellectual property rights protection is the landmarkNew Balance verdict of 2017,这与中国公司对美国运动鞋公司的商标侵权有关。

这些公司(包括New Boom,New Barlun和New Bunren)的名字正在他们制造的运动鞋上使用New Balance的商标“ N”徽标。上海附近的苏州中级人民法院裁定纽库的青睐,要求侵权公司支付新余额150万美元的损害赔偿和法律费用。这项裁决将很难提前十年或更早。

Despite these advances, however, the infringement of intellectual property rights continues to take place in China. Companies that outsource manufacturing of goods and components to China must therefore take care of their interests. Here are the three best ways you can do that.

Best three tips to protect your intellectual property rights in China

1。Register your rights in China:如果您打算在中国制造,您必须做的第一件事是在该国注册相关的知识产权 - 商标,设计专利和版权。

一些律师指出,侵犯of the rights of American or European companies often takes place because these companies have not understood how intellectual property laws work in China.

In China, the first company to file a trademark is awarded that trademark; it does not matter if you have registered it outside that country. Thus, if a Chinese company registers your trademark in China because you have neglected to do so, your products will be at risk of being被拘留在港口违反了该中国公司的“商标”。

This is why it is important to formally file for intellectual property protection in China before you do anything else such as signing agreements with your Chinese manufacturer. This is definitely cheaper than having to fight the infringers in court later, or having to pay them to give up their rights over your trademark they have registered as theirs.

2. Work with reliable companies:在我在中国工作的所有年份,我个人从未见过大型供应商的问题,可能是因为这样的制造商不愿意冒着声誉冒险赚钱。如果您与可靠的供应商合作生产产品,那么您的知识产权损害损害的可能性就不大,因为这些制造商可能会损失更多,而不是通过这样做。

3.制定强大协议:The NNN or non-disclosure, non-use, non-circumvention agreement signed with your manufacturer is the most common contract to protect intellectual property rights in China. This is a more elaborate contract than an NDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement, which is common in the West. But remember, like everything else in China,本协议必须以中国为中心- 也就是说,它必须被起草才能在中国而不是在西方法院中执行,并且应该用普通话写。本协议中有强有力的合同损失规定将是适当的威慑,以防止中国公司复制。

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